Monday, May 21, 2007


Ok so I am downloading WoW this morning, and bored silly, so I start going thru my fav's list. I find a link to the blog of Cephas and think "hey cool, wonder what's up with them?"
I read a bit and then notice the side bar with some others links in it. So I start clicking those that I actually might be oncerned with how they and theirs are doing in life. I come across Kirsten...and discover that my name is in her blog. Granted it is some time ago, but it's there. Anyway, I started reading her blog with "I hope all is well with her" in my heart, for as far as I knew there was no bad blood between us. Apparently I was wrong.

So Kirsten.
PS: Hey Steve ... so sorry you had such a difficult time discerning what was "shaking up choice individuals". /end sarcasm. You can think back to something I confided in you about a long time ago, in part, regarding a deeply personal matter that caused great pain for my entire family, especially my innocent little niece - something you were tremendously supportive about and sorry for at the time - and then feel like the piece of shit that you are for making a big joke out of it just to get your digs in at me.

Sound familiar?

1: The only "confiding" you ever did to me was about your marital problems. perhaps if you didn't "confide" in so many people (i.e. everyone that will listen) you might be able to keep straight who you told what to. Hmmm?

2: While I do see how the P.S. from my last post might also snare someone who thinks that the world revolves around their dumb-ass, I actually was NOT speaking about you. Truth be told, I was actually pointing and laughing at Derek. BUT, if you feel so left out I will give you one too.

*points and laughs at Kirsten*
There, happy?

Now if you will excuse me, I have more important things to do, like count the grain lines in my desk top. Have a nice life.

P.S. *finger*

Monday, April 02, 2007

Just a word..or two.

After hearing there was something goin down with a few "choice" individuals I decided to go take a peek at some blogs, you know to see if I could get a feel for what might be happening. While I don't still know any real details, it does indeed look as if something is shaking some folks up.

When I started to post here I was like"Oh man I am so gonna be an ass and unload with the what comes 'rouind goes 'round, and pot-kettle-black kinda stuff". Then I realized something. I honestly don't give a shit.
Do I think it's funny that some people get what they deserve and all that? OH HELL YES.
Will I continue to peek and see if I can get more info to blast folks with like some people do? No.
Why? Refer to previous statement of not giving a shit.

Now I am wondering why I even have this blog, seriously. I know I started it because some people couldn't differentiate between my opinion and Lela's. Hell most likely they still can't. It was a place for me to call it like I see it. you know, name names and point fingers and such. But, here I am, with nothing to really say in a while. Not that shit has stopped happening, I just have better things to do. Like watch paint dry or dust collect or anything else in the multiverse that doesn't include these people.

So in conclusion, I hope that you get all you deserve, though that may be the same as saying fuck you, because karma is a bitch.

GL Hi5

P.S. If you are wondering if this means you, go ahead and figure it does because if you have reason to wonder that....most likely the answer is yes.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Almost forgot. Happy Birthday Amber. :)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Lela!

Monday, October 30, 2006

OOoooOOoOooo This is gonna be funny.

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle/Random
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

Opening Credits:
StrangebDays by ThenDoors....ok yeah ..this fits

Waking Up:
Feels like today by Rascal Flats

First Day At School:
3Am by Matchbox 20. I have no idea....

Falling In Love:
Run by collective Soul

Breaking Up:
Moonlight Deceased by UNION This is actually the first song I ever laid down in a studio. And oddly enough its appropriate.

Nothing Else Matters Cover by Staind..ok if by nothing you mean getting as drunk as possible without dying....then yes, it works..

Life's OK:
Pardon Me by yeah this definatly fits ..and leads right into the next one

Mental Breakdown:
Wipeout by the Beach Boys....yep.....nuff said

Black Metal by ..yeah I could..and have driven to this song....

Lookin Out my Backdoor by ...the title fits pretty well

Getting Back Together:
One Wild Night by Bon Jovi..heh ...this is funny...

Possessed by Venom..ok yeah this would be why I have never gotten married,,,,I know women are least most of the ones I have dated

Birth of Child:
I dont wanna miss a thing by Aerosmith...unfortunatly I have.

Final Battle:
OMG....I can not believe this actually came up...Bad Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce..too funny

Death Scene:
Fight For All The Wrong Reasons by Nickleback....ok I guess out of 852 songs I was bound to get a few that didnt fit

Funeral Song:
Return to Sender by Elvis Presley...LMAFAO...oh yeah this works

Sex Scene:
ok..I will refuse to use the first thing that came up on this one...Serenade no.13 for strings in G major from the Mozart collection that came with the media player just didnt we will move to the next one...Call me, Beep me from the Kim Possible TV soundtrack...I am so

Dance Sequence:
Struggle Within by Metallica...that would be a very very interesting...and violent dance

End Credits:
Cut the Crap by I love my media player's sense of humor

(Via BD. Thanks! :)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

.....I am so making this one somewhere in CoH...Thinking AR/something, gotta have those "Vibro Bullets"!

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Orange Virtuoso
Your Superpower is Super Speed
Your Weakness is Booty
Your Weapon is Your Vibro Bullets
Your Mode of Transportation is Slide

Friday, October 06, 2006

I will scratch your damn eyes out!

You Are Wolverine

Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.

Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly